Growing and developing a new management team
The Challenge
Just Housing Group was commissioned to support an organisation’s in house repairs and maintenance service during a significant period of exciting change: specifically the bringing in-house of both major frontline services.
Getting the right senior team in place is central to the success of all registered providers: in this case a large council required specific support for it’s middle managers as they brought significant, frontline services back inside the organisation. Importantly, alongside technical support, this project also required additional expertise from Just Housing Group’s team to help with internal communications, performance management and a programme of change management training.
Key Service Requirements
Improve organisational performance and strengthen alignment with the organisation’s corporate strategy and goals.
Initiate the development of a critical mass of experienced managers who have the right management skills and leadership style to take the organisation forward.
Provide a framework for managers to develop their leadership and management skills through a programme of internal training.
Key Facts
Frontline service with just under 400 employees covering a range of roles and expertise with the repairs and maintenance service.
A significant number of inexperienced managers required extensive upskilling.
Organisation had a core objective to improve both the engagement of employees and service delivery for residents.
Improvement needed to be delivered alongside an ambitious insourcing programme.
There had been little investment over previous years in management development: this needed to be corrected through an organised plan that delivered change effectively, and within a tight budget.
Working with the Leadership team
Through working with the Leadership team, a programme was developed to align with organisational goals and support the desired cultural change.
Step by step training
Practically, our consultants designed a training programme in a modular, step by step, format to reduce the impact on service delivery and ensure it had a bespoke nature that enabled clear links to practical situations that resonated with managers and employees.
Regular Feedback
Feedback was sought at regular intervals throughout the programme to ensure that the content was appropriate and that the goals were being met.
Overall, 100% of attendees felt that the sessions were good or excellent according to our feedback system.
All of the delegates either agreed or strongly agreed that it had been a positive learning experience and they had taken something away from the sessions.
The attendees all either agreed or strongly agreed that they were glad to have attended the programme and felt it was worth the investment of their time.
In addition, the sessions enabled the sharing of experience and learning from managers across the organisation which helped build relationships and reduce ‘silo’ working
Employees also recognised the investment that had been made in them through the programme which improved their engagement.